George Washington Interpreter Dan Shippey
01 Feb 2022 - 28 Feb 2022

George Washington Birthday Celebration

Alexandria, Virginia

The City of Alexandria, Virginia, the adopted hometown of founding father George Washington, celebrates his birthday each year with events throughout February. The highlight will be on February 21, 2022, when Alexandria residents and visitors will line the streets of Old Town Alexandria to cheer on the oldest and largest George Washington Birthday parade in the country. The parade features drum corps, colour guards, bands, community and fraternal organizations, youth groups, local merchants, city dignitaries, and, of course, General Washington and Martha Washington.

This year, the Celebration will honour Alexandria’s health care workers and first responders, who will march as Parade Grand Marshals.

Events are scheduled throughout the month including the Cherry Challenge among Alexandria’s best restaurants, free admission to historic sites, popular walking tours and an 18th-century banquet and ball.

Old Town Alexandria
Alexandria, VA 22304
United States

Thursday 10/2/22

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